
For too long, talking about money in social work has been taboo, leaving dedicated professionals to struggle alone financially. We’ve witnessed the painful consequences: social workers, the heart of every community, overworked and underpaid. This reality is not just unsustainable—it’s heartbreaking.


With an increase in social workers’ dissatisfaction with their compensation and a growing global consciousness around personal economic growth, we saw a need. Social workers needed a safe space to talk about money, wealth, and abundance openly. So, we created the Social Work Wealth Conference to place these crucial conversations front and center. We know that when social workers have surplus, they give more and serve more.


Our conference tackles the profound lack of financial literacy and the shame, incompetence, and ignorance surrounding money in social work. It’s disheartening that a profession devoted to providing tools and resources for others overlooks such a fundamental issue. To truly elevate the communities and causes we serve, we must embody financial health and wellness ourselves.

How We Roll

Our Mission

To elevate the wealth consciousness of social workers by providing education, resources, and support, empowering them to achieve financial wellness and enhance their impact on the communities they serve.

Our Values

Our core values are boldness, audacity, unapologetic intention, and purposeful action. We believe that financially empowered social workers can make a greater impact, addressing fundamental problems with renewed vigor and confidence.

Our Vision

To create a future where social workers are financially secure, respected, and valued, with their skills recognized and their contributions leading to profound, positive impacts on communities.

Our Impact

Our short-term goal is to build a recognizable, enduring brand connecting professionals with wealth building opportunities for growth, education, and connection. Long-term, we aim to transform how social workers experience money, leaving behind a legacy of financially empowered professionals and a transformed social work profession.

Meet our Founder

“Eva, thank you for your vision! What you’ve managed to put together is simply amazing!”~ Elana Weinstein

We social workers are the ultimate givers, and it’s about time we ditch the disempowering money beliefs and learn how to make and maximize our money for more.

And what’s great is that we get to be surrounded by like-minded folks on the same journey – gaining and sharing financial resources and tools, and building a “wealth” of connections. 😉

This is the event I wish had existed when I was a younger professional. It’s all about boosting our wealth – and, in turn, our clients’ – so we can keep rocking at what we do best—making a difference.

~ Eva Forde, MSSW, Conference Impresario

Join the Movement

Volunteer Opportunities

Join us in making a difference by volunteering your time and skills at SW WealthCon. Help us create an impactful event experience while building valuable connections with fellow participants.

Partnership Opportunities

Collaborate with SW WealthCon to amplify your brand and support our mission of empowering the people who empower others. Explore partnership opportunities to showcase your commitment to financial literacy and social impact.

Sponsorship Options

Become a sponsor of SW WealthCon and align your brand with our mission of fostering financial empowerment and social impact among social workers and those who lead with service. Choose from various sponsorship packages tailored to your objectives.

Collaborative Projects

Engage in collaborative projects with us to drive meaningful change in your community and ours. Partner on initiatives that advance financial literacy, career development, and social impact in tailored ways.

Contact Info

Social Work Wealth Conference 500 N Congress Ave #158 West Palm Beach, FL 33401

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